13 September 2023

The AURORA EU funded project was presented in the creative city of Fabriano where a four days event (7-10 September 2023) was held. Dedicated to music, art, cinema, theatre, literature, exhibitions, conferences and conventions. “Fabriano, Carta è Cultura (Paper is Culture)” is the event that celebrates Fabriano’s artistic and creative excellence in the field of paper and watermarking that has characterised its identity and economy over the centuries. This event, within the initiatives of Fabriano Creative City Unesco, showcases tradition and innovation in the sector, involving local artistic realities, national and international guests and the community itself. Fabriano has been recognised as a UNESCO Creative City for Crafts and Folk Art since 2013, positioning it among the main centres for artistic craftsmanship in the world, a role recently underlined by its appointment as national coordinator of the network of Italy’s 13 creative cities.